
Confluence spaces and unique page names

An important consideration when using this extension is that Confluence has a requirement to having unique page names for a given space. When this extension parses a document’s title value, the title is used as either a creation point or an update point (i.e. if the page name does not exist, it will be created; if the page name does exist, it will be updated).

A user must be cautious when mixing a space with manually prepared content and published content from this extension. Consider the following use case.

A space MYAWESOMESPACE already exists with the following content:

  • MyHome

  • About

  • Tutorials

  • See Also

A user may desire to publish a series of Sphinx documentation into a “container” page, so the page “Documentation” is made:

  • MyHome

  • About

  • Documentation

  • Tutorials

  • See Also

If the Sphinx documentation contains a page named “About”, an unexpected event may occur for new users after publishing for the first time. A user might expect the following to be published:

  • MyHome

  • About

  • Documentation

    • About (new)

    • Installing (new)

    • User Guide (new)

    • Other (new)

  • Tutorials

  • See Also

However, since Confluence only supports a single “About” page for a space, the original “About” page is updated with new content from the documentation set and is moved as a child of the container page:

  • MyHome

  • Documentation

    • About (updated and moved)

    • Installing (new)

    • User Guide (new)

    • Other (new)

  • Tutorials

  • See Also

Users needing to restrict the extension from possibly mangling manually prepared content can use the confluence_publish_prefix (ref) or confluence_publish_postfix (ref) options.

See also the dry run capability and the title overrides capability.

Setting a publishing timeout

By default, this extension does not define any timeouts for a publish event. It is recommended to provide a timeout value based on the environment being used (see confluence_timeout; ref).

Connection troubleshooting

The majority of connection issues reported are typically configuration issues. For example, attempting to configure a Confluence Cloud API token using a configuration designed for a Confluence Data Center Personal Access Token (PAT).

Users may try to invoke a connection test to help debug connection issues. To invoke a connection test, run the following command inside the Sphinx project:

$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder connection-test
Fetching configuration information...
Running Sphinx v7.2.6
Connecting to Confluence instance... connected!
Fetching Confluence instance information... fetched!
Decoding information... decoded!
Parsing information... parsed!
    Type: confluence
 Version: 1000.0.0-395b9ccce521
   Build: 6452

Asking for help

Having trouble or concerns using this extension? Do not hesitate to bring up an issue:

Atlassian Confluence Builder for Confluence - Issues

For issues when using this extension, generating a report and including this content in an issue may be helpful towards finding a solution. To generate a report, run the following command from the documentation directory:

$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder report
Confluence builder report has been generated.
Please copy the following text for the GitHub issue:

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(confluence instance)
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