
The following outlines the reStructuredText/Sphinx markup, configuration entries and more supported by this extension. The intent of this extension is to support various standard Sphinx features that can be rendered on a Confluence instance. Below will identify features that have been tested, planned to be implemented in the future or is not compatible with Confluence.

reStructuredText markup

(note: directive options “class” and “name” are mostly ignored as they are not supported in a Confluence format document)

Sphinx markup

Markdown support

This extension can support the rendering of Markdown content with the use of Sphinx with the MyST Parser. Most content can be translated to an applicable Confluence storage format. However, not all content produced by MyST Parser will work with this extension. Specifically, any directives that generate HTML content or users who add raw HTML content to documents are not accepted by default by this extension. This includes line breaks, strikethroughs and more. Users may attempt to use the confluence_permit_raw_html option to help workaround select use cases, but the use of the option is unsupported. When the option is enabled, published content may not render as expected or may not be able to be published.


This extension will attempt to support any extension that is integrated in Sphinx’s main source repository. The following section shows the status of each of these extensions:

Extensions (Third-party)


Support with third-party extensions (if any) may be limited. While an extension may work with other builders (such as the html builder), it may be implemented in a way which it cannot be integrated with this extension. In addition, some features that an extension may use (e.g. using JavaScript) cannot be used with a stock Confluence instance and therefore, cannot be supported.

Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx does not guarantee support for third-party extensions found outside of Sphinx’s main source repository. Changes are considered towards this extension’s processing and API to make it flexible for other extensions to integrate. Also, this extension may provide optional support for select third-party extensions (if permitted and rational), to help improve user experience.

Developers wishing to integrate a third-party extension with Atlassian Confluence Builder can either attempt to add implementation inside the third-party extension itself, propose non-intrusive changes to this extension or create a new extension which can bind both desired extensions together (e.g. sphinx-confluence-nbsphinx-test). Any changes directly submitted to be added into this extension’s repository will be limited to the arbitrary release/development windows of this extension.

The following table shows a most recent state of various third-party extensions interacting with this extension:


If a feature or extension is not listed above, is not working as expected or has another concern, feel free to bring up an issue:

Atlassian Confluence Builder for Confluence — Issues