
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx 2.10.0.dev0 depends on:

The recommended method of installing or upgrading is using pip:

pip install -U sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
python -m pip install -U sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder

To verify the package has been installed, the following command can be used:

python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version

For new users, the following provides a series of steps to assist in preparing a new environment to use this package. For users wishing to use virtualenv, please see the instructions in Installing (virtualenv).


While the use of Python/pip is almost consistent between Linux distributions, the following are a series of helpful steps to install this package under specific distributions of Linux. From a terminal, invoke the following commands:


$ sudo pacman -Sy
$ sudo pacman -S python-pip
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>


$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install python-pip
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>


$ sudo dnf install python-pip
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>


From a terminal, invoke the following commands:

$ sudo easy_install pip
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
$ python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>


If not already installed, download the most recent version of Python:

Python — Downloads

When invoking the installer, it is recommended to select the option to “Add Python to PATH”; however, users can explicitly invoked Python from an absolute path. The remainder of these steps will assume Python is available in the path.

Open a Windows command prompt. Invoke the following:

> python -m pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
> python -m sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder --version
sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder <version>

Development installation

To install the bleeding edge sources, the following pip command can be used:

pip install git+